Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Dark Nail Polish, do you have a fav?

Ok Ok I never thought this would happen. Till this year I had virgin nails, virgin as in I never wore dark nail polish. I guess it just wasn't my thing. What happen was I got this box in the mail from
Cindy owner of BB Couture Nail Polish which I happen to offer. In this box was two smaller boxes both holding 6 colors. Now anytime I get something from anyone of the people who's products I offer
I get really curious and I tend to write reviews about the whatever the item might be.
So I open up this box and the nail polish boxes had written on them, released meaning they
are for sale and Not released Yet! Oh I had to open the one that had the not released ones first! **Blogger just made my image red with the image has a blue top and writing.**
Anyway this color didn't come up till Today!! It's called Dragon's Breath but the knowing Cindy was naming the whole set after fairy
tales the first thing that came to my mind was Wicked Step-Mother! And I still think of it as that color. What this color is, two shades of glitter in a BEAUTIFUL Royal Purple! I was hooked the minute I saw it! I have another product by BB Couture Nail Polish called Extreme Rock that man oh man I put on two coats of Dragon's Breath along with Extreme Rock and my polished dark nails where the hit of the show everywhere I went! You see I have short nails, and I am very blond hair and fair skin, this color if I go by what the beauty magazines say, shouldn't look good on me. What do they know anyway? And by using Extreme Rock my polish stayed on 7 days before I had to start having to add a little color to the tips. Will that work for you? I don't know it depends on how hard you are on your nails, but if you have never worn a dark nail polish before?
This is the year for you!!

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